
Wu was arrogant and openly challenged Zi Xia the Great. A group of immortals in the holy land of Zi Xia were furious.

Of course, Wu dares to be so puffed up now, and that’s because Zi Xia the Great is not here. If he is really here, he should stay honestly even with Qing Di protecting Wu.
"Since you hurt Jade Bell and Xiaobai, the result is doomed!"
Xia qi leng leng kou
There is no worry in his heart.
Because he knows this very well, he and Wu will definitely not be besieged by the holy land of Zi Xia after going out.
Because at that time, the holy land in Zi Xia may not have the heart and courage to besiege Xia Qi and Wu!
Chapter nine hundred and sixty-seven Kill all!
A group of brothers in the holy land of Zi Xia are as white as death.
In the emperor, the golden crown, the ghost snake, Xia Qi and Wu besieged a group of brothers in the holy land of Zi Xia, just like turtles in a jar, let alone slaying Xia Qi’s several people and fleeing, and all hopes were cut off.
At the moment, Xia Qi and Wu are tough and don’t care if killing them will cause the wrath of the strong in the holy land of Zi Xia, which makes a group of brothers in the holy land of Zi Xia know very well that their ending is bound to be death.
"Xia Qi! Wu! Don’t be crazy. I’m carrying a special message jade charm to pass the message outside. If you really want to kill them all, I’m sure the elders in our clan will never let you go! Even Emperor Tiandi and Qing Di can’t protect you! "
Xia Qi and Wu, two immortals in the holy land of Zi Xia, are so rampant because they don’t believe that they can pass the news out, but they will be killed unnoticed on this second day, so they will dare to make a bold move. At this moment, he took out a jade symbol, purple light glass, which is really different from ordinary jade symbols.
Responding to this Zi Xia holy land fairy is a big knife.
The knife fell, the blood splashed, and a head went up into the sky!
Wu directly cut this person with a knife!
"Ha ha ….. is not inform Zi Xia the great? A mere holy place in Zi Xia is terrible? Kill your elite brothers and kill them. Can Zi Xia Holy Land do anything to me? "
Wu laugh root don’t care.
He is as clear as Xia Qi in his heart that Zi Xia Holy Land provoked Jade Bell and Xiaobai this time, which not only annoyed Xia Qi, but also caused two big troubles!
These two troubles are enough to make the holy land of Zi Xia overwhelmed and have no energy to take care of them.
Don’t forget that the jade bell and Xiao Bai are really strong behind them. The backstage is not Xia Qi or Heaven Sect, but her adoptive father and mother, Daokun Emperor and his wife!
This is the top rank of the two emperors in the celestial world, and behind it is the most powerful demon race in the celestial world. Once Daokun Emperor and his wife know that Jade Bell and Xiaobai almost died in the hands of the holy land in Zi Xia, they are afraid that Daokun Emperor and his wife will tear down the holy land in Zi Xia.
At that time, where did Zi Xia Holy Land still have the idea of Gu Xiaqi and Wu, two little people?
It is precisely because of this that Xia Qi and Wu Gen have scruples about killing the elite in the holy land of Zi Xia!
Zi Xia holy land people sent a message jade operator, but Xia Qi and Wu didn’t care much and didn’t take a look. I continued to hunt down Zi Xia holy land and fled around.
Dozens of Zi Xia holy brothers fled everywhere, hoping that one or two could escape. It was a good idea, but it turned out to be cruel.
Xia Qi has many visions. At this moment, the department is surging out and shining brightly all over the sky. All the immortals who want to escape from the holy land of Zi Xia are blocked or killed.
Especially after the Golden Crown Ghost Snake stepped into the realm of the Emperor, it held the black ghost gun of the Emperor. The Golden Crown Ghost Snake can definitely slaughter a group of fairy kings and quasi-emperors with the top emperor at the moment of World War I.
In a blink of an eye, dozens of Zi Xia holy brothers have already died.
Xia Qi and Wu stopped at the same time and looked at the remaining Zi Xia holy brothers who were still struggling in vain to escape from Xia Qi’s many visions.
"Your visions are really powerful. If all these visions become the realm of the great one day, who else in your whole celestial world can match you at that time?"
Wu can’t help sighing at Xia Qi’s many visions.
He couldn’t imagine that if one day many visions of Xia Qi really made the emperor, would it be waiting for the horror scene?
"It is a wonderful coincidence that this golden crown snake can become the root of the Great Emperor. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to make a vision reach the level of the Great Emperor!"