
"What do you mean?" said the Queen Mother of the West with a shock.

The seventh princess looked at her mother firmly and said, "No matter how wrong my father is, he is also the master of the three realms. I think we have the righteousness to continue his glory."
The Queen Mother of the West sighed and said, "It’s easy to talk about being the master of the Three Realms."
The Seventh Princess didn’t get an accurate answer. She naturally refused to give up and asked, "You have to give me an exact answer …"
The Queen Mother of the West shook her head at the Seven Princesses and sighed, "There is no need to say this again."
Although the seventh princess is unwilling, after all, it is not good to go against her mother’s intentions.
The Queen Mother of the West said, "Xiaoqi, don’t take risks easily."
Yu Long was in a dilemma, but his friends and relatives didn’t know it.
Yu Long is not going to tell them.
No matter how difficult and dangerous it is, he has to carry it alone.
These days, his mood is very confused. First, he stayed in fairyland for a few days, and he was very unhappy with Jinfeng’s poetry. Later, he visited Ma Xiaomei and Zhang Daniu in the Xuanjing, and left some suggestions and opinions on the paradise exhibition. At the same time, he also left those pills given to him by Guangzun God so that the people in heaven could upgrade them to the maximum extent.
His third is the real world.
When he broke the boundary and entered the real world, he felt very happy at that moment. Even though the real world was cloudy, even though there was a lack of aura here, he still felt cordial here.
Walking alone in the street, Yu Long took a deep breath and looked up at all kinds of passers-by around him.
[ps:: Recently, the climate is abnormal and the red snow is sick. When updating, the friendship is always uncertain. It is convenient for everyone to read. Please choose to subscribe automatically so that everyone will not miss the wonderful chapters]
Chapter 6 Chapter 62 Misunderstood Yukime.
Chapter sixty-two Misunderstood Yukime
Strolling in the street for a whole afternoon, when it was getting dark, he went to Zhang Daniu’s mother’s house to visit an old man and say hello to Daniel.
Then he flew half way to Xuanmen headquarters.
It’s too mysterious to learn that Yu Long has arrived.
Of course, most people don’t know that Yu Long now has the strength to dominate the three realms, but Yu Long’s performance has won the hearts of the people. Most people regard him as the savior.
The so-called waste has long been history.
Wang Jian and Tianchen are envious and jealous in their hearts, but they never dare to say anything. In this case, it is better to be a man with tail between their legs.
After some ceremony, Yu Long followed the cat to the bridled Taoist Dojo. The bridled Taoist also didn’t know what level Yu Long had reached now, but his intuition told him that Yu Long was not what it used to be. He got up politely and greeted him.
Yu Long has a good impression on the bridled Taoist priest. Even though he has the strength to win the Three Realms now, he still has respect for the bridled Taoist priest.
"Xiaoyu, it’s good that you’re here. We’ll have the backbone when you’re here." Road flyover bridled walked over and said, "Mind your own business when you’re in the Xuan door …"
Yu Long now did not even understand their own things, there is no time to ignore the Xuan door to things this time, in fact, just look at you.
To see everyone safe, his heart would be relieved.
"Why? Look down on the Xuan door this small temple "bridled road flyover said half jokingly.
"Ha ha-!" Yu Long said a quick laugh, "Road flyover bridled to tell you the truth, I also encountered some difficulties. Now I haven’t solved our things. By the way, can you deal with the Emperor of Heaven and Earth? What do you think of these two people? "
Listen to Yu Long, the two people bridled road flyover obviously become a little uncomfortable, but Yu Long didn’t pay attention.
"I don’t know-!"
Road flyover bridled said simply, "To tell you the truth, I have never dealt with the two venerable deities, but I heard that they are good … even your Lord in the mysterious world has never seen their true colors."
"Oh-!" Yu Long said simply, "Road flyover bridled, I will stay here for a few days. Before I leave, I will leave some Dan medicine and dharma tips for the Xuanmen. You can arrange people to distribute it to believe that the strength of the Xuanmen will greatly increase in a short time."
"It’s so good." The bridled road flyover was overjoyed when he heard this.
Then they talked again and discussed a mysterious exhibition plan. When Yu Long left, Yu Long vaguely felt that the bridled road flyover had some strange eyes, but he didn’t think much.
Yu Long is going to see Yukime after leaving the Dojo with bridled head.
But just as he was about to knock on Yukime’s door, he heard someone in Yukime’s room and it was still a man’s voice.
There was a woman in Yukime’s room at night, and Long Yu suddenly froze, but after a short pause, he decided to rush in and have a look.
If anyone touches him, Yu Long women will be dead.
A Yukime door in Yu Long momentum was oppressed and rushed to ignore another person in the room Long Yu immediately put Yukime into his arms and smiled and said, "I don’t care who you are … if you want to move my woman, then you are dead …"
Yukime room man saw Yu Long this sample immediately froze.
He was there with his mouth open when he turned around.
And this time Yu Long also saw that the man was flashy.
Yukime, who was held in her arms by Yu Long, was the first to react and cried in shame and anger, "Let me go quickly …"
Listen to Yukime a call Yu Long rushed to let her loose for a while three people there was a dead silence.
Return to absolute being, at Yukime flashy oddly smiled and rushed Long Yudao "Xiaoyu, what’s the matter with you? By the way, you are … "