
And what does Lazio have?

It’s only been a year since I took over this team. Many players have pieced it together temporarily. They have never been exposed to their own tactics before. They are young, have low social status and little fame. Besides, Lazio’s financial problems are much more serious than Valencia’s at that time.
Such a precarious team can’t see the sky, but let itself wear the European peak.
Can he have no sense of accomplishment?
UEFA Cup champion!
The old honor book has finally won the UEFA Cup!
The two champions with the highest gold content in European football have won themselves!
He is one step closer to the top famous handsome!
He is full of confidence in his future, the future of the team and the future of the club.
In the one-person locker room, Chang Sheng celebrated well.
Before the award ceremony, Chang Sheng saw Lotito Lazio’s president laughing and all his facial features crowded together, which was like a child who wanted a gift at Christmas.
Lotito gave him a thumbs-up sign through the crowd when he saw the winning look at him.
Always winning smile response
A champion honors more than two million euros.
Lazio’s financial crisis has been alleviated by another point.
Once again, I proved how correct my original choice was …
At this time, he sounded his arch-enemy Rome, thought of Sensi and thought of baldini.
He has to thank his sworn enemy, who has been enemies for so many years. This may be the first time Lazio people have sincerely thanked Rome …
The players won the prize one by one, and then walked on the podium in front of team captain Rocchi.
He took the gold medal from UEFA President Johansson.
This is the second time that Johansson has given him an award. At present, the youngest and most successful coach in European football is impressive. Johansson can’t help but remember him.
So I have to talk to him this time.
"After you went to Rome, I thought you were going to disappear from the mainstream. I didn’t expect … this is really a beautiful return!"
Johansson clap ever-victorious shoulder to say
Chang Sheng smiled calmly from "Thank you, Mr. Chairman"
"But I’m curious that you’ve almost got a head coach at such a young age, and you can win all the honorary league titles, the national cup titles, the Champions League and the UEFA Cup titles … I’m afraid it’s impossible to satisfy you except the World Cup, so will you lose your desire for titles and honors?"
"Mr. Chairman, haven’t you heard a word?" Changsheng didn’t answer the question but asked.
"What words?"
"Victory is addictive." Changsheng laughed.
Johansson stupidly heard this sentence.
By the time he reacted, Changsheng had walked in front of him and shook hands with the other awarding guests.
He turned his head and looked at Changsheng’s back. He was still chewing Changsheng’s words.
A little absent-minded, when Tommaso rocchi was in high spirits in front of him, he didn’t react when he was waiting for the award.
It wasn’t until Rocky couldn’t wait and shouted a Johansson that he came to his senses and smiled apologetically at Rocky.
When giving Rocchi the gold medal, he asked, "Rocchi, do you think winning is addictive?"
Rocchi was asked one leng, he didn’t understand why the UEFA President asked such a sentence.
Seeing rocchi like this, Johansson also felt that it was too abrupt for him to ask. He was not white at all.
So he took the trophy from the podium next to him and handed it to rocchi.
"Congratulations, you are the champion! Now you can hold it high! "
Rocchi has already reacted. He didn’t wait to receive the trophy, but answered Johansson’s previous question first.
"yes, Mr. chairman, I think I will be addicted. I like this feeling!"
With that, he took the trophy from Johansson and then turned around and held it high.
Teammates around flocked to join him and waved and shouted, "We are fucking European champions!"
Johansson reminisced about Rocchi’s words behind this excited crowd.
Then he looked at these people and laughed excitedly.
No wonder this team won the UEFA Cup.
When they took part in the Toto Cup, no one thought that they could finally win another championship trophy …
"Congratulations to Lazio! They have finished an incredible season! A patchwork team has become the UEFA Cup champion and ranked second in Serie A … I want to add a brilliant touch to my regular coaching resume! It turns out that he is a winner who can win the championship! "
Chapter 17 Comrades
When Lazio returned to Rome, Lazio was warmly welcomed from the airport.
Lazio fans’ pent-up enthusiasm burst out at this moment.
Lazio marched in a double-decker convertible bus with trophies.
Every player enjoyed the cheers of the fans.
Chang Sheng is no exception, and it can be said that he is the biggest cheered.
Because there are few decent stars in this Lazio team now.
Riley vilani was still a star, but he refused to play because he didn’t renew his contract, so he was exiled by Changsheng. From then on until now, Riley vilani really didn’t play a game, and giuliano giannichedda played as usual without renewing his contract with him. Sometimes he started, and sometimes he was a substitute, but it can be seen that Changsheng was absolutely not able to punish him for giuliano giannichedda.
Those who say that winning is to punish Lee vilani because Lee vilani refuses to renew his contract are self-defeating in the face of facts.