
The thin dwarf respectfully walked to the front of the statue of Baal in the temple and bowed down respectfully. After that, the majestic energy of the six-pointed star array surged toward the foot in front of the statue.

With the surge of energy, the idol slowly opened its mouth, and a red light spot flashed from the idol to take a fancy to the thin dwarf.
The old dwarf respectfully accepted the object, then turned around and respectfully presented it to Ye Tian, saying, this is a small gift left to you by the evil spirit.
Doubt looked at the thin dwarf after confirming that the other party was not hostile, Ye Tian took the little thing and looked at it carefully.
Although the lines are very abstract and simple, Ye Tian recognized it at a glance. This is a phoenix, but the shape is a little simplified, and the lines are more rigid and more suitable for men to wear.
After reading it carefully for a while, Ye Tian hung the necklace around his neck. Although he said nothing, it was a gift from his compatriots, which was too precious for Ye Tian.
It’s great to meet an old friend in a foreign country, but it’s not bad to meet a compatriot in a different world. Although it’s been hundreds of millions of years, the friendship of compatriots is very deep
Looking at Ye Tian, he hung the necklace around his neck. The thin dwarf shook his head and sighed. This necklace is not you. You must successfully open it to prove that you are really an evil compatriot before you can take him away.
Rev. He heard the dwarf Ye Tian a face of confusion.
Smiling and nodding, the thin dwarf continued, don’t. It’s just an ordinary necklace. In fact, it’s an artifact made by an evil god himself.
Super Super Artifact Ye Tian completely froze when he heard the thin dwarf.
I must have nodded, and the thin dwarf smiled and said, yes, with this necklace, you can gather the energy of heaven and earth to summon a fire phoenix with considerable strength.
I completely froze by hearing the thin dwarf’s words. This is awesome. Although all creatures may reach the tenth order, the power is different after all. Fire phoenix is a god beast.
As we all know, rank is divided according to quarrelling, that is, energy realm, and image point is divided according to strength.
From a certain point of view, a cow is stronger than a wolf, but when it really fights, the ox is killed by a wolf. In the same way, a wolf meets a tiger, but it is not an opponent. This is the species difference.
Although they can all reach the tenth order, the combat power is absolutely different. A tenth-order tiger can easily kill thousands of rabbits, and the combat power is out of proportion.
In contrast, the fire phoenix is a tiger and the common creature is a rabbit. Although everyone is in the tenth order, the gap in combat power is so great that it is estimated by law.
As far as the physical attack is concerned, the fire phoenix is not better than the monster’s single defense, nor the diamond dragon’s single defense than the magic defense, but when it comes to the magical attack on the fire phoenix, no creature dares to be the first.
Among the six elements, the most powerful magic is fire, which is the biggest damage and scope. Once Ye Tianzhen summons a fire phoenix, it is tantamount to taking a giant battery with him, which makes up for Ye Tianzhen’s lack of long-range large-scale strike ability.
Moreover, the fire phoenix is a kind of BUG-like god beast that is very shameless. Even if it is killed, it can be reborn from the fire. It takes a little flame to go out and it can quickly return to its full state. Moreover, the pure element creature, the fire phoenix, has limited mana.
Now Ye Tian is a master of the tenth order, so Ye Nai-chun can summon the tenth order fire phoenix, and then he can directly release the small forbidden spell and spark rain beyond the scope.
The most anticipated thing is to raise the strength to the rank of god and summon the rank of fire phoenix, which would be crazy. The doomsday judgment is the most destructive in the world. It is the ultimate curse of fire. In fact, it is said that the doomsday judgment is the ultimate and most powerful nuclear weapon in the world, which can destroy all enemy forces. This is worthy of the title of super artifact.
Looking at Ye Tian’s excited expression, thin dwarf, hey hey, one laughs and summons the fire phoenix. That is actually the two great powers of this necklace. Guess what the other great power of this necklace will be.
Chapter 1 Ahriman Knife Method
Guru Guru
In the deepest part of the earth, the rolling sound along the river is as far apart as thunder. Ye Tian can see the heart fire rising from the sky. At this moment, Master Ye Tian is forging Zhan Ji there.
When Dangdang
Finally, when Ye Tian arrived in the deepest part of the world, the crisp knock rang clangly, and from time to time, in the continuous and even knock, thick fires screamed at the jet.
Looking around, it is already the deepest part of the earth. The ground is evenly scattered to the crater, and each crater is built with a huge professional forging platform.
It’s a wonderful way to forge steel by heart fire. Looking at the blazing flame of the forging platform, Ye Tian shook his head disbelievably and asked if it must be his compatriot Cold Mo.
A total of 991 forging platforms are evenly distributed in a circular range in a forging area, which is the largest, most luxurious and most magnificent forging platform. At this moment, the giant tower master is sweating and forging a Zhan Ji there.
Emerald jade is two meters long, and the handle edge is Ruisen’s cold blade. Yes, this is the most powerful cold weapon in Ye Tian’s imagination.