
"Don’t do this in front of Hengheng later." Meng Xin stretched out his hand and pushed Liziyu children, who are very sensitive and precocious now. Hengheng will be six years old.

"So what?" Liziyu pie pie didn’t have a son when the light bulb simply put his arm around people "and said that this time you came out to enjoy a sweet result. You always told me that I was born with it, didn’t you? It’s always making fun of me? "
"It’s all about you. What do you think every day?" Meng Xin earned him to go to the wardrobe and get a new suit to change, and then found a basin to wash his clothes.
Li Ziyu took it naturally. "You go to the sofa and lie down for a while, and my horse will be ready. We will go to dinner and have a bonfire party one night after lunch break."
Meng Xin can’t earn but he can depend on him.
This little heart slept in the car before it was sweet, and now she is full of energy, so she watches the latest entertainment program for a while
-dividing line-
Meng Wanyan stayed in the room and asked Qi Xinglin for Meng Xin’s room number and ran to find her.
Before the minibus Lu Miao was chatting with Qi Xinglin and Yu Qing, and I don’t know if it was stimulated. When I returned to my room, I told her to find a husband and learn from Meng Xin to keep my eyes open.
They all want to hook up with a rich husband, and they are not allowed to find poor children.
What Lu Miao said is that both Li Ziyu and Cheng Ming are rich. Although Cheng Ming is not as good as Li Ziyu, it is not bad. This is the truth. Second, she seems to hear a poor boy chasing them. Wan Yan sounded the alarm before this. Wan Yan was confused and listened to that little sweet talk for a while, and then she was cheated.
Although she doesn’t expect another man like Li Ziyu to come out, no matter what their family Wan Yan is looking for, she can’t be worse than Cheng Ming.
Meng Wanyan feels too chatty when she listens. She is not going to fall in love now. She is going to work hard until she is stable, and then talk about personal problems, but she just doesn’t know what the mother is in a hurry.
Grandpa is not in such a hurry now.
Only her mother is left at home to say it.
"Wan Yan come in" Meng Wanyan knocked at the door Meng Xin used to find out that it was her little cousin who let her into the house sideways.
"Sister heng heng didn’t? Am I disturbing you and your brother-in-law? " Meng Wanyan is a little embarrassed. If even Hengheng feels that she shouldn’t bother, it’s really not a good time for her to come over at this time.
"Nothing to sit in the past" Meng Xin shook his head.
When Meng Wanyan came in, she heard the sound of hygiene rubbing clothes. "Brother-in-law helps you wash clothes?"
Meng Wanyan is somewhat envious of the place she envies, which is completely different from the place envied by her mother. She thinks that although her brother-in-law is rich, she doesn’t have the arrogance of disdaining all living things after getting along with her sister Meng Xin. Instead, she loves her sister so much. She envies the deep feelings of the two.
She hopes that her future marriage will be based on this feeling, whether it is rich or not, but secondly, they have hands and feet. Are you still afraid of going hungry these days?
It’s nothing if material life can’t compare with others.
"Wan Yan sat with your sister and chatted with her brother-in-law Ma for a while and went upstairs to eat together." Liziyu looked up and told Meng Wanyan that it was best to know Meng Xin’s feelings with Wan Yan, and she was grateful to this sister Liziyu.
At that time, he was not around Meng Xin. In the most difficult days between Meng Xin and Heng Heng, except Meng Haidong and Qi Xinglin, Meng Wanyan would accompany Meng Xin and tease Heng Heng from time to time, so he would repay Wan Yan if he had the opportunity in the future.
"Good brother-in-law, don’t worry slowly. Everyone is not hungry." How can you be hungry when you eat so much dry food?
The two sisters were chatting on the sofa, and then they envied Meng Xin’s happiness all the way. Meng Xin smiled. "What’s the matter? Little girl wants to fall in love, right? I heard that there seems to be a handsome guy chasing you. "
Meng Xin actually didn’t know that she was just a set of wan Yan words.
As a result, Meng Wanyan blushed as soon as she was too easy to set up. "No, sister, don’t talk nonsense."
"I was really talking nonsense just now, but it seems that your expression is really there. Let’s talk to my sister and help you analyze it." Looking at Meng Wanyan’s reaction, Meng Xin immediately sat up straight with a face of excitement.
Both she and Meng Jingyao have found their own happy men at home. No matter what she does, she also hopes that Meng Wanyan can find her happiness as soon as possible. Her former grandfather wanted to introduce Gu Sheng, but she opposed it because Meng Wanyan was too young, but now she has to work after graduation, so she can fall in love.
"No, sister, I don’t feel anything for him. It’s just his wishful thinking." Meng Wanyan is a very shy person. She looks good. There are many people who chase her, but she hasn’t met anyone who makes her move yet. Both her brothers-in-law are so good, and her eyes can’t be worse.
But she needs a heart-pounding feeling, and now no one can give her such a feeling.
"I wan Yan is a hot commodity. Well, you have to pick me slowly. Don’t worry." Meng Xin nodded in agreement.
Liziyu finished hanging clothes and wiped them hygienically. "Let’s go eat and call someone else."
"Good brother-in-law, I’ll go." Meng Wanyan didn’t want to be teased by Meng Xin and ran away shyly.
Meng Xin looked at her back and smiled. She thought Wan Yan spring should not be far away.
Li Ziyu, a restaurant on the tenth floor, won’t be divided if the whole family sits together at a big table. Old lady Li and Master Meng robbed Heng Heng before dinner, and they also had a fight and became red-faced.
Finally, Master Meng, a man, gave in and said, "Good men don’t fight with women."